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Birdwatching list:

No other European wetland west of the Volga can compete with the Danube Delta in size, diversity and overall magnificence. Over 170 bird species have bred in the Danube Delta including 60% of the world population of Pygmy Cormorant, sometimes 90% of the European breeding population ofWhite Pelican and a key European population of up to 140 - 150 pairs of Dalmatian Pelican . 
There are also important numbers of Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron, Gadwall, Red-crested Pochard, Ferruginous Duck . 

In winter, thousands of Red-breasted Geese - sometimes up to 70,000 which is thought to be almost the whole world population - reside on the lagoons and coastal plain to the south of the delta.
In summer, birds such as Hobby,Pygmy Cormorants, Squacco and Night Herons, Little Bitterns, Little and Great White Egrets, Glossy Ibises, Whiskered Terns, Savi's Warblers and Penduline Tits, Black-necked Grebe, Ferruginous Duck, Red-crested Pochard, Purple Heron, Spoonbill, Red-footed Falcon, Bearded Tit and Roller are common in the Danube Delta.

  • Short-toed Lark - Calandrella brachydactyla . Almost the whole, estimated Romanian population, of 6,000 - 8,000 pairs breeds in the agricultural and dry steppe habitats of Dobrudja. Occurs from late March to October.


  • Paddyfield Warbler - Acrocephalus agricola - is one of eastern Ro manian's real specialties. In recent decades it has become apparent that this sought after species is a common breeder in the delta, the Razelm-Sinoie lagoon complex and in all suitable habitat along the Black Sea coast. Estimated range from 50,000 - 150,000 pairs to at least 140,000 pairs. Occurs from April to September.

  • Sombre Tit - Parus lugubris - is not as common or widespread as the maps in most field-guides would suggest with only 1,500 - 2,000 breeding pairs estimated for the whole of Romania. The open Oakwood outside Babadag on the road to Constanta is usually a reliable area. Resident.


  • White-headed Duck - Oxyura leucoccphala . This species is best sought in winter on the coastal wetlands south of the delta. The shallow brackish Lacul Plopul, behind the village of the same name in northern Dobrudja, and the larger Lacul Techirghiol, in southern Dobrudja, are consistently good sites for this species. Occurs from late October to March.


  • Saker - Falco cherug - is very rare and local in the wooded steppe country of Dobrudja with 2-6 pairs estimated. Seems to have disappeared from the delta proper.


  • Collared Pratincole - Glareola pratincola . Between 200-350 pairs are estimated for Romania with the majority in Dobrudja. Birds at the regular and reliable colony at Histria are easy to observe. Occurs from late April to September.


  • Mediterranean Gull - Larus melanocephalus - is another species that is more likely to be encountered in Dobrudja rather than the delta. Occurs mainly from March to October.


  • Whiskered Tern - Chlidunias hybridus . In recent decades Whiskered Tern has become the most common breeding "marsh" tern in the delta and the coastal wetlands of Dobrudja. Between 6,000 - 10,000 pairs are now estimated nationwide with the bulk of the population in the delta and Razelm-Sinoie lagoons area. Occurs from late April to September.


  • White-winged Black Tern - C. leucopterus - breeds in the delta, in the Razelm-Sinoie lagoons area. Between 1,000-1,600 pairs are estimated. Mainly occurs from May to late September.


  • Syrian Woodpecker - Dendrucopos syriacus - is the most comon woodpecker species in and around villages both inside and outside the delta area.


  • Calandra Lark - Melanocorypha calandra - between 25,000 - 40,000 pairs of Calandra Lark are estimated to breed in eastern Romanian with the majority in Dobrudja. In winter flocks of hundreds of birds each occur in Dobrudja. Can be seen all year round, though it is unclear whether there are any true residents.


  • Pygmy Cormorant - Phalacrocorax pygmeus . The Danube Delta really is a place for this species. In favored feeding areas they seem to be everywhere and flocks of several thousand can be seen going to roost. After a decline, numbers are now increasing with around 4,000pairs estimated. It occurs mainly from April to October, though some overwinter.


  • White Pelican - Pelecanus onocrotalus . Europe's largest breeding population, of around 3,500 pairs is found here, most in one large colony. White Pelicans range over a wide area to find suitable feeding spots and in summer flocks of several hundred birds each, can be seen on a daily basis, gliding or circling overhead. It occurs from April to October.


  • Dalmatian Pelican - Pelecanus crispus . After decades of decline this species has started to slowly increase in numbers in the Danube Delta. Currently less than 150 pairs spread in several small colonies. Occurs from April to October, though the odd straggler can be seen in winter.


  • Little Bittern - Ixobrychus minutus . Because of its rather secretive lifestyle and the fact that it does not breed in noisy mixed heronries, good views of Little Bitterns can be hard to obtain. But there are so many in the delta in summer that it is normal to see several daily. Occurs from April to October.


  • Glossy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus Though it has a wide global range and is generally an easy species to observe, the Danube Delta is the place in Europe to see this species in numbers. From spring to autumn one cannot fail to see hundreds on a daily basis in parts of the delta with shallow marshes, backwaters, flooded meadows and woodlands. Occurs from April to September.


  • Red-breasted Goose - Branta ruficollis . Though between 15,000 - 50,000 are regular in winter here the geese are highly mobile, sensitive and the areas frequented vast and undulating, thus finding an observable flock usually involves some hard work and even a few detective skills. Occurs from late october to March mostly in the company of White-fronted Goose.


  • White-headed Duck - Oxyura leucoccphala . The status of Whiteheaded Duck as a breeding bird in the Danube Delta (indeed in all Romania) is uncertain.


  • Ferruginous Duck - Aythya nyroca . The Danube Delta and its adjacent wetlands is the place in Europe to see this declining species. Between 6,000 --10,000 pairs have been estimated for Romania and the majority are in the delta. In August and September large numbers of Ferruginous Ducks often gather at Lacul Somova, just west of Tulcea. Occurs from March to October, though a few sometimes overwinter.

FINESSE str.GRIGORE MORA nr.38, Sector 1, Bucuresti, ROMANIA 
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